Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Quit smoking cause obesity

why is this so? I take this news from the daily compass that says, why stopping smoking can cause obesity?
It's no secret cigarette addicts who want to stop the bad habits that often complain weight gain. Apparently it is related to disrupt the ability of nicotine on brain cells in charge of giving a signal when the stomach is feeling full.

The new mechanism known to the researchers who published his research in the journal Science. This discovery by accident known to scientists from Yale University while researching nicotine in mice. The animal suddenly began to eat less when the substance of nicotine entering the body.

In the brain, nicotine will be attached to various receptors on cell surfaces, as well as on the reward (reward) that gives pleasure and makes a person want to repeat it.

Beside that also binds to nicotine receptors on the nerves that regulate appetite, which is not related to the effects of addiction. Part of this nerve is located in the hypothalamus and sends the full signal after a meal so that we can arrange when to stop.

This explains why smokers often do not feel hungry when they're sucking tobacco. When they want to quit smoking, many smokers who started eating more, so the average weight gain up to 5 pounds after quitting.

Although the weight gain experienced relatively moderate, but according Picciotto this can hamper one's motivation to quit smoking. With the understanding the mechanism of nicotine in the brain, is expected to be created drugs to escape from the habit of smoking that can work specifically on the receptors in the brain.

Such drug is already available in the regions of Eastern Europe are made from plants. However, these drugs have side effects.

"The receptor is also associated with the body's stress response so that it can cause side effects such as high blood pressure," says Marina Picciotto, a researcher from Yale.

He added, smoking has many adverse effects such as trigger cancer, heart attacks and various chronic diseases longer. Because it increases little weight he is nothing to worry about.

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